Glory Stories
Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank

Glory Story: Jay VanCampenhout Finds Sanctuary & Success through Soccer
Glory Stories Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank Glory Story: Baxter Colburn: Making Magic Through Media By: Amanda Kriescher For the majority of us, at one point in our lives, we have attended a sports game. There is just something different about being in the stands, maybe under the lights, cheering

Glory Story: Baxter Colburn: Making Magic through Media
Glory StoriesSponsored by Nicolet National BankGlory Story: Baxter Colburn: Making Magic Through MediaBy: Amanda KriescherFor the majority of us, at one point in our lives, we have attended a sports game. There is just something different about being in the stands, maybe under the lights, cheering on your team. As

Glory Story: Mackenzie August’s Inner Athlete Helps her in Motherhood
Glory Stories Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank Glory Story: Mackenzie August’s Inner Athlete Helps her in Motherhood By: Amanda Kriescher Soccer has been a faithful companion for the majority of Mackenzie August’s life journeying alongside her for some of the most important times in her life. From playing soccer in

Glory Stories: Family Finds Connection & Purpose through Glory
Glory Stories Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank Family Finds Connection & Purpose Through Glory By: Amanda Kriescher Have you ever made a simple decision that resulted in drastically changing your life? This is what happened to Dr. Becky Krull, owner of the Green Bay and Allouez Animal Hospital. She simply

Glory Stories Brianna Buntin
Glory StoriesSponsored by Nicolet National BankMy name is Brianna Buntin......and I am 14 years old. Since the age of five, I have been playing soccer. Starting out with rec soccer, then making my way up to a club team. Sticking with De Pere Select for three years, I have now